I'm afraid that this page isn't a very interesting page - it's more of an information page really. If you are an animal lover like me then some of the charities listed below may be familiar to you.
I have always loved animals and having been brought up with horses, dogs and cats, it's hard to imagine life without them. So I find it totally abhorrent and incomprehensible when I hear about the dreadful cruelty and neglect inflicted on some animals. All the charities and organisations listed below are trying to stop the cruelty and help animals both in this country and abroad. But they all need our support to continue their work.
I haven't gone into any detail about the awful things that happen - I'm sure you already know, but these things won't just go away if we ignore them or try forgetting about them. I think that by turning a blind eye to these things, we are encouraging the people who commit these cruel acts to continue. If we cannot stop the cruelty ourselves then at least we can support the organisations that can.
If you know of any other organisations or charities that help animals, then please let me know their details and I will add them to this list.
World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)
Websites- www.wspa.org.uk - www.wspa-international.org
World Horse Welfare
Website- www.worldhorsewelfare.org
The International Donkey Protection Trust
Website- www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk
R.S.P.C.A (Royal Society For The Protection Of Animals)
Website- www.rspca.org.uk
Blue Cross Animal Charity
Website- www.bluecross.org.uk
Dogs Trust
website- www.dogstrust.org.uk
Redwing Horse Sanctuary
Website- www.redwings.org.uk
Only Foals and Horses Sanctuary
Website- www.onlyfoalsandhorses.org.uk
World Wildlife Fund
Website- www.wwf.org.uk
The League Against Cruel Sports
Website- www.league.org.uk
The Badger Trust
Website- www.badger.org.uk
Animal Aid
Website - www.animalaid.org.uk
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
Website- www.gorillafund.org
Cat Protection League
Website- www.cats.org.uk
Battersea Dogs and Cats Home
Websites- www.battersea.co.uk - www.cats.org.uk
The Orangutan Foundation
Website- www.orangutan.org.uk
Save The Rhino
Website- www.savetherhino.org